Physical activity may lead to healthier and happier kids
Spring has sprung in Boise Idaho…
Now is the time to get the kiddos outside and moving around. Physical activity is not only good for them; after a long winter cooped up in the house, it’s probably good for their parent’s sanity too! According to the American Heart Association, children need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day.
There are numerous benefits associated with exercise or physical, e.g., weight control, reduced blood pressure, reduced risk of diabetes, and improved physiological well-being.
The AHA recommends:
“All children age 2 and older should:
Participate in at least 60 minutes of enjoyable, moderate-intensity physical activities every day that are developmentally appropriate and varied.
If your child or children don’t have a full 60-minute activity break each day, try to provide at least two 30-minute periods or four 15-minute periods in which they can engage in vigorous activities appropriate to their age, gender and stage of physical and emotional development.” (The AHA’s Recommendations for Physical Activity in Children, 2013)
Moms and dads can further expand on the benefits of physical activity by participating in said activities with them. Fortunately in Boise, Idaho there are no shortage of things to do outdoors. You can get them out for a riverside stroll along the Green Belt or hit the Ridge to River trails for a tour through the Boise foothills. Boise Outdoors and Recreation and Boise Parks & Recreation are great websites for finding activities and sports leagues in the valley.
So… what type of physical activities should kids be doing?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the three types of physical activities you should make sure your child or adolescent are aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening. Aerobic activity (e.g., walking, running, or biking) should make up the bulk of the physical activity.
Basically all the things kids are already doing. Just turn off the TV, iPhone, or computer and send them outdoors. You’ll be amazed how quickly they’ll find physical activities they enjoy when electronics aren’t an option.
How about parents, what type of physical activities in Boise, ID are some of your kiddos favorites?